06 Feb Excitement, Discomfort, & Trivia
I hope your year is starting out with a bang! I know mine definitely is! I’m celebrating the 7 year anniversary for my dance company this month, and I also have some really great creative opportunities coming my way, which I’m overwhelmingly excited about. I can’t say anything until it’s confirmed and contracts are signed, so I’ll keep you posted.
I got new headshots done by Frankie Batista, which you can see one of my favorites above, and I had a great meeting with my theatrical agent getting on the same page with plans for pilot season. I also started taking acting classes at the Ruskin School of Acting. It’s Meisner Technique. I’m loving it so far even though it is opening me up emotionally in ways that I’m not used to, but as I said last month, my goal is to challenge myself, so I will bear the discomfort, lol.
To finish off, and since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I thought I’d share some interesting trivia about this special day. I hope yours is beautiful, whether you are spending it with your partner, friends, or for a party of 1. 

Until Next Time,

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