28 Feb February was on Fire-See why!
Boy, March really snuck up on me, but I wanted to make sure to give you some updates in the couple of hours that are left of February, lol. I’d say the most exciting thing that happened was a fire that started next door to my Latin Fever event that I do every month in Venice. We had to evacuate quickly, and the L.A. Fire Dept came to the rescue with their cranes and hoses and put the fire out in no time. It was quite an adventure! Here is a pic of the action.
February was also a very busy month of auditions and callbacks, and I am ecstatic to announce that I achieved my goal that I set last month, and I now have a great theatrical agent at BMG Talent!
To finish off, I wanted to share one more exciting resource with you, so I did a Youtube search for “exciting”, and the first video that popped up was 6 Unique & Exciting Ways to Eat Avocado. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE avocado, and some of these ideas are pretty creative, and look delicious!
Until next time… enjoy your avocados!
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