31 Dec Happy New Year! Highlights & Excitement
I can’t believe this is the last day of 2014! Looking back on the year, I had a lot of growth mentally, spiritually, in my career, and personal relationships. I am so happy that I was able to be a part of some of my best friends’ big life changes such as weddings and first babies. My dance instruction business, Living Room to Ballroom, has had a very successful year, and it has been a true pleasure seeing my students grow and improve over the past 12 months.
Some highlights in my acting career include of course the premiere of The Bride from Vegas. It was my first film, and to have the starring role was such an incredible experience and I love all the people that were involved in making it. I also expanded my repertoire and skills by completing some awesome courses such as Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshops, Killion’s Commercial Workshop, United Citizen’s Brigade Improv 101, and some great Casting Director workshops. All the work I have put in also helped me to land a great commercial agent at Bobby Ball Talent Agency.
I’m so excited for this coming year, and if you have a quick moment I would love to hear about some of your 2014 highlights as well!
Here is a great quote I would like to leave you with:
“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Oprah Winfrey
See you in 2015!

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