31 Jul Jet setting, Hand Modeling, and Ted Talks
It’s been a busy month of traveling, and the adventures will continue into August! I had an amazing trip in Seattle teaching at a studio called Salsa Con Todo, and I also had the opportunity to work for a company called EnerGY, teaching and judging dance competitions for kids and teens in Riverside, CA and Sandusky, OH. Man are there some talented kids out there! Right now I’m in Orlando, FL and the itinerary coming up is Ft. Myers, Miami, Savannah, GA, and New Jersey! Wish me luck… Phew!!
The hand modeling job I did went live this month, so I can finally share that it was for Xfinity for Comicon, and I did the hands for Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones, and Piper from Orange is the New Black! You can see the ad here. I also updated my Acting and Dance Reel for my Actor’s Access account. Let me know what you think! (just click on Media to view)

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