31 Mar Losing a Friend & Piggy Love
Spring is Here!
Not that there is much of a difference in Cali, lol!
This month had some highs and lows. On the positive side, I was able to go on a mini-getaway, and my boyfriend and I rented a cabin near Lake Arrowhead to to get a bit of nature. It was gorgeous and I highly recommend it! On the negative side, we lost a family member… our beloved Kitty Girl. She did however live a long and happy 15 years, and she was very loved.
In acting news, I signed up for an Image Consulation course with Mark Atteberry, which is supposed to help me target w hat my niche is and what separates me from others in my type, and how to use it to my advantage. I also did a Casting Director workshop with Scott David, and he had very good things to say about my performance, so that’s always nice to get positive feedback.
To finish off I’m leaving you with a photo of Springtime piggy love… I don’t know about you, but I think pigs are adorable, lol!
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