29 Apr Avoiding Scams, Callbacks, & Playing with Swords
This month was one of catching up with friends I haven’t seen in a while and trying new things. I attended a stock training seminar through Legacy Education and learned an overwhelming amount about the stock market, and no I didn’t fall for their extremely exorbitant sales pitch- Thanks for your concern. 😉
In April Acting news, commercial auditions have picked up a lot and just this week alone I had three callbacks! One of them was for a SAG National in Spanish, which I’m really proud of because I’ve been working on neutralizing my American accent, and it looks like my hard work is starting to pay off.
Another new experience I tried this month was the Renaissance Pleasure Faire and It… Was…AMAZING! If you’re a fantasy nerd like me and like to dress up like maidens and elves and shoot arrows and play with swords, then I definitely recommend it. Game of Thrones anyone? 

That’s it for now. See you next month!
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