31 Aug Vacation, Accountability, and Extra Cash
I am finally back from my long trip… 3 weeks away to be exact! I got to teach some amazing young dancers, bicycle through South Beach Miami, eat Key Lime Pie in Key West, explore history in Savannah, traipse around Cape May, New Jersey, and more! Check out this video I made of some of the action!
Since I’ve finally had so much down time this month, I’ve had the opportunity to sit and think about what projects that I would like to work on moving forward. What I have in the works are a new Instagram video collaboration, a short film, and a live interactive theater show. These things will take some time to get going, but I wanted to share with you to help hold me accountable so I keep my word, lol!
Finishing up, I wanted to share a website that I stumbled across called Side Hustle Nation. We could all use some extra cash AND time (especially us artists, actors and dancers), and this site has some really great ideas about side businesses that seem like they could be pretty easy to get started on. Let me know if you find this helpful!
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