31 Mar Vampirelife, the Big Screen, & Shaving Fail
Spring is here… and so is allergy season! I had to stay indoors for two whole days this week because my eye got irritated from all the crap being blown around in the air! It made me extremely light sensitive, so I could only leave my place once the sun went down. Talk about #vampirelife, lol! I hope you are hanging in there.
For those of you that did not get to see The Bride from Vegas on the big screen, your opportunity is here… and it’s for a good cause! Next Friday, April 7th there will be a screening in Glendale, and we will also be doing a Q&A afterwards with the lead actors. Hope to see you there! Also check out one of my new head shots from Marlow Photography above in the banner!
Do you have any funny shaving stories?
Let me know, otherwise I will see you next month! 

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