30 Nov Year Highlights & Excitement
I hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving with your family and friends. I spent the holiday with a big group of friends, and I tried out a new recipe for sweet potato casserole which was a hit! Check it out HERE. It’s also gluten-free and dairy-free, so it’s something everyone can enjoy.
On the acting front, I’m finally putting together a new reel which I’m excited about because it will include some fun footage from the Bride from Vegas, as well as some new dramatic footage that I shot with my friend who owns bluegrassreels.com. I’ll show it to you once it’s ready.
To finish off, and in the spirit of this holiday season, I want to let you know how grateful I am to have you as a friend, and how much I appreciate having your support in my artistic journey. Here is a great quote about friendship that I would like to leave you with:
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
– Helen Keller
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